“I’m from Maryland. My father owns a cleaning franchise. He’s always been into finance books and has tried getting my brother and me into it. But I hate learning finance, I hate everything to do with it, but I love money. The author simplifies finance. He started learning this information when he was nine, so he says it from a point-of-view of where a 9-year-old can understand. A lot of people ask “How do you get rich?” He has a simple answer, just acquire assets. That’s it. Not liabilities. Not focusing on your income, but instead on building assets to generate income for you. One of the biggest overlooked liabilities is probably homeowning if not done properly. My parents are in their 50s now and are basically retired. They didn’t come from wealth, so they built their business out of the mud. And as my mom always says, if you’re scared of aging, you’re not doing it right. They love getting older. A personal life lesson I’m learning now is that financial literacy is worth more than money. You can have a whole bunch of money. And if you don’t know how to manage it. It’ll go away, bit by bit.”