“It talks about how our bodies are storing emotions. Sometimes, we don’t know the reason why we have a certain pain or the reason why an illness exists. Many times, it’s because of a trapped emotion hidden subconsciously. By doing particular exercises, you can tap into the subconscious mind and kind of release that emotion. We are beings of energy. Emotions are much like negative energy stuck in the body. There’s an arm test for example. If you straighten your arm out and someone asks a question, your arm can change in elevation. A symptom of something maybe hidden inside of you. There are also other tests. I’m looking to see what I can discover about myself through these tests.
There is a thought in western society that emotions are supposed to be negative. We relate to emotions around pain, around frustration, around depression. Really hard things to experience. I’m learning now that emotions have a wealth of information. In that context, it can be good to experience emotions since they signal something inside. In a way, they’re a compass to our own map.”